Creating Inclusive Tech Ecosystems
“The real currency of community building is trust”
Neha Sampat, founder and CEO of Contentstack, spoke with Leigh-Ann on her Dream Makers Podcast about building community and creating inclusive tech ecosystems. Click the button below to listen to the complete episode.
When asked if there was a magic wand that could help everyone create more inclusive ecosystems, what would it do According to Leigh-Ann, we should strive for breakfast, lunch, and dinner with people who are not in our “circle” – people that look different, have different experiences and perspectives, etc. This is how we build relationships across lines of difference. And, relationships are, ultimately, how we change culture.
Per Neha, talking about community was “one of my favorite parts of this episode. I think we can all take some learning back to our organizations.” Here are a few highlights of Leigh-Ann’s community building takeaways:
Everyone must feel appreciated and that they can exchange ideas safely.
Shared values are essential to build trust and foster connection.
Make sure everyone is there to add something, not just extract.